Friday, April 3, 2009

The End

And the first year at IIM-A has finally come to an end! What a year it has been! I have learnt and unlearnt so much. Things have happened that have changed the way I think, stuff I have always believed in, my life, my entire existence, me! It was a roller coaster ride, full of unstoppable fun, joys and fears, delightful moments, unnerving pressure, tears of pleasure; frothing together, waiting to burst, overwhelming me. There is so much I want to say, so much I feel. I have so much to think about as I go on a completely new journey, my summer internship at a consulting firm in Gurgaon. It has been such a wonderful first year, gruelling in terms of academic requirements while being interspersed with fun stuff like T-Nite, Intersection Sports, trips near Ahmedabad. It was full of unique experiences, each day a fairytale in itself, that I can only wonder what the second year will bring. I am filled with a sadness that I cannot explain and for the first time, I am not excited about going home to Bombay. I feel like a small part of me has gone, died; while I have been reborn, as a phoenix, to await new wonders.

I have survived the first year at IIM-A!

1 comment:

Siddharth Chaudhari said...

Best of luck for your internship, crack maar dena :)


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