Monday, March 9, 2009


I love being alone. Sitting on the beach. Standing in a train. Walking among the trees. Lying on my bed. Staring at nothingness. Lost in my thoughts.

In the dusklight. At night. Under the dark heavens. Counting fabulous diamonds. My fingers touching frozen air. Wind slashing across my face. Cold, and dewdrops falling.

Riding a wild horse. Concocting a potion. Living on a mountain. Fires sizzling, reveries raging. Intoxicated by the eyes, beguiled by the words, mesmerized by the touch. Gripping feverish passions. Crafting naked art. Feeling a schizophrenic, alcoholic mind.

Talking to fairies, angels, elves, pixies, in strange tongues. Making me feel alive. In magic and madness. Drinking in beauty. Holding warmth. Making love, with the skies.

Me. My mind. None else. Life and yet not these. Wild, frenzied, crazed, nomadic. A feral beast in a forest. Peace and quiet, content. A golden glow.

I need to be alone.


Anonymous said...

If only man could be alone.

Serpentine said...

i believe man, and woman [:P], can be alone

painful, yet peaceful.

Abhishek Agarwal said...

Nice. A question, blunt one, the things you wrote, are beautiful without doubt; how many of them are actually things/thoughts/emotions in your head?
Especially the horses part!!

Serpentine said...

thank you
they are always, always in my mind; every single waking second; in every fibre, nerve, cell of me
sigh..! now horses, how i love them n miss them :)
i will, one day, buy a chestnut brown horse as my own and name it Firenze, and ride it over wide, empty fields

Dheeraj said...

To stay silent and yet have a brook to converse with.
To lie still and yet have a zephyr to dance with.
To stand aloof and yet have a sky to flirt with.
To forget yourself and yet have a memory to remember yourself by.

Isn't that life deserves to be about?

Serpentine said...

true, in a way
and thats beautifully written

Dheeraj said...

I see I haven't done what I set out to do with my previous comment here but I liked your piece enough to be inspired into writing an impromptu four liner of my own so I guess that should convey my feelings better. :)

Serpentine said...

well thank you
and i look forward to reading your pieces once you have joined, that should be interesting!

Dheeraj said...

Well, I can't say I'm not excited by the prospect. I look forward to the confluence of invigorating shadows and frantic rushes pummelling my words into a brand new shape that they shall one day look back and call their own. :)

Serpentine said...

shadows, rushes
excitement, realizations and nostalgia(for me now)
its a place and a life you will fall in love with

Dheeraj said...

That's what we always look for in life, everywhere we go, in everything we do, isn't it? Something worthy enough to be making memories of. :)

Serpentine said...

something worthy of rousing your passion and filling you with memories, yeah!
and i think this comments page is turning into a chatroom, so perhaps we cud continue dis on gtalk
add me, loveleen817


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