Sunday, September 13, 2009


kuṇḍalinī is a Sanskrit word meaning coiled. It refers to an unconscious, instinctive or libidinal force in the human body. A corporeal energy, it is envisioned as a goddess or a sleeping serpent which lies coiled at the base of the spine.

Yoga and Tantra propose that this energy can be "awakened". The body and spirit are prepared by yogic austerities such as pranayama, visualization and chanting. The latent energy rises up the spine to merge with our consciousness. The Shakti or Goddess is said to unite with the Supreme Being, Lord Shiva. Awakening of the kuṇḍalinī leads to the attainment of Divine Wisdom or Self Knowledge and brings with itself pure joy, pure knowledge and pure love.

kuṇḍalinī does not ask us to abstain from, rather it suggests indulging in the worldly pleasures. According to kuṇḍalinī, there are seven chakras or sources of energy within us, each of which if activated and correctly channeled can energize us and cause a heightened sense of being. The catharsis of the nadis blocking the chakras is done through yoga.

Muladhara (root) chakra - at the perineum - gives physical security and removes fear
Svadhisthana (sex) chakra - at the base of the spine - alleviates self expression and creativity
Manipura (naval) chakra - at the solar plexus - controls willpower and anger
Anahata (heart) chakra - at the centre of the chest - brings love
Vishuddhi (throat) chakra - at the throat - enhances communication
Ajna (third eye) chakra - at the centre of the head - augments intuition
Sahasrara (crown) chakra - at the top of the head - brings bliss

A video that describes kuṇḍalinī or serpent power in detail

1 comment:

Piyush Singh said...

I believe this is one of the most difficult topics to write about. You have done it beautifully. I find it pretty inspiring.


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