Sunday, March 15, 2009

love's a dream

Is it fair to let a child come into this world, only to see the people closest to him, the ones he loves fight incessantly, threaten to kill and try to harm each other? Is it true that a child will bring joy to mitigate the sorrows of two lives that never were meant to be, bring warmth and wonder with his smiles and innocence? Will not the baby have a tortured childhood, a curse he did not ask for? Or will he take the anger, the hate, the pain away? Maybe, he will, and share it, and lessen it. He could be the only, only thing that could hold a shattered dream together for just a few years longer..

Love's a dream, we are all dreaming


exorcist_001 said...

ye sab kahaan se aaya??
[confused] disclaimer

Serpentine said...

after watching revolutionary road...
and thinking and remembering..
and thinking..


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